The term “inflation,” which refers to the pace of price growth during a specific time period, is frequently used. It takes place due to a general increase in the cost of goods and services. It means that compared to yesterday, you can get fewer things for one rupee today. We use a variety of products and services in our everyday lives, such as groceries, produce, fruits, and other items, which are all subject to supply and demand-related price changes. Prices might also fluctuate greatly as a result of uncontrollable occurrences like the green revolution, droughts, crop failure, etc. However, food waste is one such issue that is under human control and frequently goes unrecognised.
We avoid overeating by consuming food in moderation based on our digestive capacity. We typically eat three meals per day plus a snack in between. Let’s use rice as an example, which is a daily item consumed in India and is a staple.
We might eat 50–100 gms, or about 1–3 cups, of rice per day. After completing, it’s possible that a bit of rice or a nibble from our dish ends up in the drain. Imagine the mound of waste that will result when it is devoured by millions of people. When you look at your plate, you could think there is only one piece or morsel. But the amount is unfathomable when millions of people perform the same thing every day.
This could occur at our homes, restaurants, wedding venues, and other locations. Knowingly or unknowingly, such wastage is generating extra demand and boosting inflation. Resources belong to society /country, though money might be ours. Just order what you can eat. Therefore, start doing your part to prevent even one pie from going to waste today or right away and make a significant difference. We will definitely have enough supplies to satisfy everyone’s hunger. Nobody will ever go to bed hungry. France is a nation with stringent zero waste regulations and sustainable farming practises. Let’s all work to eliminate any waste and maintain a healthy balance with inflation as a larger goal. This will eventually assist in regulating inflation as well as our pockets.
I’ll comply
You will.
We’ll all do it, so let’s.
Note: It’s thought to be quite healthful to eat a bit less than you feel like.
About the Author :
Nitin Bhandari, a passionate & certified research analyst with over 15 years of experience in Equity Markets and founder of Heet Investment, a financial broking firm in Bengaluru. You can get in touch with him on