Hello, friends


We recently observed World Environment Day with the theme Only One Earth, emphasising sustainable living in harmony with the environment. We have a wealth of resources thanks to nature. WATER is one such resource. All creatures on earth depend primarily and fundamentally on water. Without water, we just cannot conceive a day or a life. Water is widely accessible and inexpensive. Ground water, rain, surface water, and other sources are the main sources of water.

We are all aware of how these sources are deteriorating. Water is being used more and more frequently. Demand and supply are vastly out of balance. This makes us aware of how terrible the situation may get if we don’t care or use water wisely in the future. The next world war due to water has been the subject of numerous news stories, essays, conversations, etc.

Water is cheap, thus its use (or, should we say, wastage), has been undermined. In billions of locations, water is extensively used. For all of us, the need to preserve is crucial and paramount. We can benefit to some extent from dams, rivers, rainwater collecting, etc. Consuming wisely, very sensibly is the best approach to save water. What if I told you that by utilising water intelligently, we could all save trillions of gallons? We can conserve it by cleaning our hands, taking a shower, and washing our dishes at every opportunity.

Instead of turning on the water at full force, when unneeded waste is produced by the water’s speed and flow, open the faucet somewhat to allow water to flow just enough to wash your hands. Friends, 60–80 percent of that water is actually decreasing. While we bathe instead of using a bucket, a running shower uses many more extra litres of water. The worst thing I’ve seen at most homes is when the maid washes clothes and kitchenware under running water.

My maid said that no one had questioned me about it besides you when I asked her about it. I told her, “Start it from your end to safeguard the most crucial primary resource. Don’t wait for others to inform you.” But their persistent habit prevents them from working. I would implore each of you to begin using water responsibly and to give it your best effort. Each Drop counts. Never ever consider your contribution to be unimportant. Among the ways you could conserve water are:

– Open tap slowly.
– Use a glass of water while brushing instead of running water tap.
– Take bucket and mug to the bath
– Avoid long flush and insist on using a dual-flush toilet to save water.
– Conduct regular Checks at the home to make sure there are no water leakage, no matter how tiny.
– Take steps to stop water leaks even in locations we visit, such as malls, gathering spaces, theatres, etc.
– The maid should be given strict instructions to turn off the running water.

– Use water nozzles in the tap, which reduce the water speed and flow without effecting your usage. Nozzles allow the flow to come in the form of a shower, reducing the flow by nearly 50% without interfering with your purpose. I personally put nozzles in all wash basin taps. I wish to help if anyone of you wishes to change it for our betterment.

Here are some actions. With the aforementioned actions, we can all benefit the environment and future generations in a big way. We must all take action to prevent water from going extinct or we may have to engage in conflict with one another. There may come a moment when we, as family members, must decide who will drink that one glass of water.


To engage society more in this field, I want to start initiatives or an NGO. We welcome suggestions, criticism, assistance, and support. If you want to talk openly as well, I’ll also give you my cell number.



About the Author :

Nitin Bhandari, a passionate & certified research analyst with over 15 years of experience in Equity Markets and founder of Heet Investment, a financial broking firm in Bengaluru. You can get in touch with him on nitin@heetinvestment.co.in