I wish you all a prosperous and joyful financial year. New objectives, plans, and destinations accompany the start of a new financial year.
I can see a complete Mayhem throughout all asset classes around the world as I write this. For many known and unknown factors, several asset prices have skyrocketed in the previous two years. It’s no surprise they’ve begun to retreat. During this moment, I could sense a lot of suffering in the eyes of investors. This period offers us numerous lessons. Make certain to adhere to the following guidelines:
– Avoid becoming overly leveraged
– Don’t borrow money and invest
– Don’t put all of your money into one asset class
– Keep a diverse portfolio on hand
– Stop fantasising about becoming wealthy overnight
– Be extremely cautious. Invest solely in high-quality stocks
– adopt a systematic investment plan (SIP)
– Put your spare cash to good use, invest it in debt for a week to a few months. Start a SIP for savings, and use surplus amount to trade and/ or invest for the long term
– Begin tax planning as soon as possible (80 C). Do not rush through the final month of the fiscal year. Begin today with regular investments in ELSS ( SIP mode)
The measures listed above are not all-inclusive. For proper growth and safety always seek the advice of a financial specialist or planner. Many online websites and apps fall short to do so
Thank you for your encouragement and support, one and all.
I wish you all a prosperous and joyful financial year. New objectives, plans, and destinations accompany the start of a new financial year.
About the Author :
Nitin Bhandari, a passionate & certified research analyst with over 15 years of experience in Equity Markets and founder of Heet Investment, a financial broking firm in Bengaluru. You can get in touch with him on nitin@heetinvestment.co.in